
Frequently Asked Questions


Q -- Is this ride really hard?

A -- This is a challenging century. The 100 and 75 mile routes are not just hilly; they are mountainous. This should not be your first century and you should train for it. On the day of the event, if you don’t feel prepared for a challenging century, please choose one of the shorter rides. We are not prepared to provide SAG service for cyclists who are fatigued.


Q -- When does the ride start?

A -- Riders can start any time after they check in.  Check-in opens at 7:00 am.


Q -- I'm planning on coming in for the Civil War Century from out of state. Do I need to pre-register or can I register the day of the event?

A -- You MUST pre-register. We limit the number of riders to 1600. As a result, we often sell out. So, register early to get a spot. On line registration closes once the event is full.


Q -- If I register and find that I can’t attend, can I transfer my registration?

A -- Yes. Transfers are done through for a $5 transfer fee. The process is straightforward. Go to and click on “transfer registration to another athlete”, enter and confirm the e-mail address of the new participant and submit. The person who is replacing you will receive an e-mail form He/she will need to click on “Claim registration”, complete the registration from and pay for the event. Two important notes about transfers:
• You must use the same e-mail address for the transfer as you did when you registered.
• Refunds will not be processes until the registration fee is collected from the new participant.


Q -- I need to select a ride distance when I register. If I want to change to a different distance on the day of the event, can I do that?

A – Yes, you can. We ask for your intended route at the time you register because it helps us to order an appropriate number of cue sheets for each route. But we print a sufficient number of additional cue sheets to allow for changes.


Q -- Can I get a cue sheet or GPS file before the ride?

A -- The maps that are available on the web site before and during registration are our "Basic" routes. That means that they are the best routes we have developed. However, just prior to the actual event we have to make changes due to road hazards and closures. Two weeks before the event, we will provide the "Revised" routes for this year on Ride With GPS.


Q -- Where does the ride start and where can I park?

A -- The ride starts in Thurmont, Maryland near the corner of East Moser Road and Frederick Road. We provide ample free parking in a field adjacent to the ride start. There will be signs guiding you to the parking area. Please be respectful of the local merchants are DO NOT park in any other parking lot in Thurmont.


Q -- The "Annotated Code of Maryland - Bicycle Related Definitions and Laws" states that "Each person operating a bicycle on a roadway may ride two abreast only if the flow of traffic is unimpeded." My question is: As a "fast" rider how should I handle "slow" riders.

A -- First, keep in mind that any bicycle event of this size will result in stressing automobile traffic. As you approach a slower rider make sure there are no automobiles coming from behind and the road is clear in front of the "slower" rider. As you pass the "slower" rider shout "on your left" and pass by quickly, then move back to the right side of the road. When you ride up on to two "slower" riders and shout "on your left" they should move into single file to let you pass. When they do, you can pass safely if automobile traffic is not approaching in either direction. One more point, proper procedure when riding two abreast and a rider calls, "car back" or another rider is passing, requires that the "slower" rider on the outside should speed up and move to the right while the inside rider allows the outside rider to move in. This is common rider courtesy.


Q -- Will the SAG carry any items for minor repairs (i. e. tubes and pumps for flats, chains etc.)?

A -- We have SAGs on the road and bike mechanics available at the rest stops. They have tubes and pumps. However, the total course covers over 150 miles and there is no guarantee that a SAG vehicle will be available like a taxi to arrive within 15 minutes of a breakdown. We expect you to be prepared for mechanical issues as you would for any extended ride. The purpose of SAG is for the major breakdowns, mechanical or physical, that occur when 1600 riders gather in the same place. While the SAG support might not reduce what you carry, the well-stocked rest stops should help reduce the stuff you pack for a long ride.


Q -- I'm a fairly slow rider and have done many centuries but never such a hilly one. Is there an evening closing time at which you shut down the finish area?

A -- We begin closing down in Thurmont at about 5:00 PM but are still available for the last rider until about 6:00 PM.